Sunday 24 July 2016

The negative reaction to CF's latest jab at the contributors continues.  I'm not sure where CF gets this "mixed feelings" bit.  Unless they mean that feelings are mixed in that some are disgusted and some are pissed.

And CF thinks it's great to see a dialogue between everyone to understand our thoughts?

Translation:  "We know you're mad as hell and we don't give a damn cuz there's plenty more where YOU came from so we'll continue to treat you like scum and there's not a darn thing you can do about it"

Now there's going to be a Webinar Q&A so the contributors can voice their concerns.


We know it's going to be a sham.

Fool us once, shame on you.

Keep fooling us and your precious TAs are going to look elsewhere for quality work because continuing to destroy the morale of the workers will ensure they don't get that quality work here.