Tuesday 23 August 2016

To the clown that got the very helpful Rainforest thread closed on ClixSense - you are a piece of work.  And then you have the gall to start your own Rainforest thread, threatening to report anyone that is rude towards anybody??  After you posted that the Rainforest engineers could go to hell?  And you posted a whole lot more rude remarks regarding the Rainforest team. I'm not going to quote them here, but I'm sure there are many screenshots.

I hope each and every reader of my blog reports this chucklehead and his remarks to Rainforest as they do NOT tolerate that kind of rudeness towards their staff.  You all have screenshots.  I know you do.


Yeah, I edited my above post a bit.  I shouldn't have lowered myself to that chucklehead's level.  In my anger I called him something that I shouldn't have, and I apologize.  In this blog and all of my prior blogs I have always made an effort to avoid using inappropriate language.

Now, some of you peeps may be wondering why I am so defensive of Rainforest, but not of Crowdflower.

It's simple - Rainforest asks for our opinion and seems to genuinely make an effort to improve, though they may not always succeed.  But they do try.

Crowdflower asks for our opinion with zero intention of making things better for the workers.  They.Just.Don't.Care. Period.