Wednesday 25 May 2016

A horse is a horse of course of course

unless you're a TA, then it's a lion

Glad I have a screencap of that. 

I think the reason CF frowns on screencaps is because they show the whole world the sheer stupidity that the workers see on a daily basis

of course of course
from the forums today:

I've said it before I'm beginning to wonder where those Authors come from ,this is getting more ridiculous every day

You and I both, bud, you and I both

It's like someone's playing a cruel joke on the workers

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Besides doing work for CrowdFlower, I also work for MicroWorkers.  While reading the MW facebook page it's like deja vu when it comes to complaints about employers:

bloody idiot employer, some of them have below average IQ

and I think to myself "I hear ya"

then I read of yet another broken task on CF where the correction goes something like this:

For the question titled "blah blah blah?" You have answered "Yes" and the correct answer is "Yes"

Proof positive that employers/TAs all come from the same special gene pool

With MicroWorkers the rejection/dissatisfied rating isn't permanent.  It'll disappear after a short while and a worker's rating will be restored.

CF has a heckuva lot of nerve giving individual TAs the power to speak for ALL TAs, and making a flag stick for life no matter how intelligence-challenged a TA may be.

And one more thing - MW didn't have a hissy fit over that remark the way CF would.  It seems that MW are well aware of what the workers have to deal with, whereas CF prefers to deny deny deny.

But hey - we did get pretty new colours on the blog.


Hold the phone!

So  "For the question titled "blah blah blah?" You have answered "Yes" and the correct answer is "Yes""  was from a CF Training Job?

Why am I not surprised.

Lemme guess

It's a Training Job to become a TA

That gene pool is bigger than I thought

It's almost scary

If a worker can be marred for life for messing up on one single task for one single TA, then the whole CF employee base should be sent packing and replaced with someone a wee bit more competent

Like a worker

Friday 20 May 2016

You know, when you ask for worker's thoughts on specific tasks so they can maybe be passed along to the TAs, and you feel you have to tell the workers to be "kind and polite", that tells me that you KNOW that the workers have every reason to NOT be "kind and polite"

So why doesn't CF do something about it?  Like punish the TAs for a change.  The TAs ARE the cause of everyone's misery.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Interesting quotes from workers who are getting fed up with CF and their ridiculous flag system:

Something has to be done for contributors to regain their status if Task Authors can just ZAP us without any review or feedback or even consequences for Task Authors.

It seems that CF will penalize Contributors quicker than Task Authors.

If a TA doesn't want you to work on their tasks, there should be some way to exclude you - other than a ban! If there is absolute solid proof that one has cheated, then that's a different story. But this is way too harsh - how do you prove that you didn't do anything wrong? Very hard to prove a negative!

I don't think that bans should last forever! Just plain wrong.

it is not fair to work and maintain a high accuracy and some idiot flags you and you lose all your progress. 

Makes you wonder what CF's angle is.  It certainly is not one of integrity and fairness.

And you know what?  I think CF is AFRAID to allow workers to give ratings to individual TAs like on mTurk because they know there would be very few with a good rating.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Well this is interesting.  CF peeps have always feigned innocence when accusations were made of quiz mode being a deliberate attempt by the TAs to get free work done since quiz mode doesn't pay.

Then I read this:

CrowdFlower was (and probably still is, just not on the MTurk platform) a bunch of thieves. Not only did they pay garbage, but they bundled their HITs so they always got one free answer before workers got the "Sorry, but your answers weren't what we expected" message. A worker (much smarter than me) figured it out and started raising hell, right about the same time this lawsuit started moving forward.

 How come *I* didn't get an email about the lawsuit?  I did CF HITS on mTurk.  I feel left out.

Maybe I should start raising heck too.  If quiz  mode is going to take my time AND affect my stats, it should also pay me.

No free answers for YOU

Now I don't necessarily believe every word of that passage, but it DOES make me skeptical of CF's motives behind the non paying quiz mode

Thursday 12 May 2016

Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task Broken task

as another worker says:

Enough is enough!
Yeah, I know.  I complain too much about TAs and I haven't given much thought to the other side of the coin.

After reading this post on reddit, even though it's referring to mTurk, I can appreciate that it isn't all roses and sunshine for the TAs either.

That doesn't negate my frustration with the flag system and lazy TAs, but it might make me a little less ornery


Wednesday 11 May 2016

Would someone please tell Mr. Look At Advertisements to check his test questions?  Seriously, he has to be one of the laziest TAs I've come across.

I really take issue with this.  It's inexcusable.

And don't bother with the "everyone else did fine with this task", cuz if they did, then it's because they remembered the bad test questions

I remembered them too, but I was optimistic that they would have been fixed by now.  Look where THAT got me.  Expelled City.

I would post a screencap but then I'm sure I would hear black helicopters flying over my house with someone blaring with a megaphone "delete that post, and STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD"

@CFComm you changed the colours on the blog!  Wow!

is the sentiment of that tweet positive or negative?

you can't answer that without knowing my frame of mind

you have no idea if I said:

"you changed the colours on the blog!  Wow!", while muttering to myself "you've gotta be freakin' kidding me!  the million and one things that need to be fixed and they waste time with pretty colours??"

or if I said:

"you changed the colours on the blog!  Wow!", while thinking to myself "good job!  they have such talented graphic artists!"

and THAT, boys and girls, is why sentiment tasks should NEVER be counted in GA

Otherwise, the TAs should take their work down the street to Psychics-R-Us where their motto is "We KNOW what you're thinking!"

Sunday 8 May 2016

Is the 6th time the charm?

Today there has been FIVE attempts by a TA to get a working task running.  The task is broken - the dropdown boxes don't work.  So it gets pulled, then reposted.  Still broken.  So it gets pulled, then reposted.  Still broken. So it gets pulled...well, you get the idea.

So again I ask.  Why in the name of all that is holy, would ANYONE in their right minds think that these intelligence challenged boneheads should have the power to flag the workers?  They don't even have the smarts to post a gosh danged working task!!

It's like putting Donald Trump in charge of a country

Oh, wait...

Thursday 5 May 2016

Typical response from CF to a plea for help regarding an unfair flag:

"The task author flagged your work after thoroughly reviewing your submissions, support is unable override this decision and am unable to lift the flag on your account as a result."

and this response from another incident:

"It is not appropriate to contact a TA directly"

MY response:

No, what's NOT appropriate is to put the TAs in a virtual witness protection program to shield them from the workers they screw over time and time again.  They need to take responsibility and own their actions.  If they can't take the heat over their carelessness and lack of integrity then they shouldn't be posting tasks in the first place.