Thursday 22 September 2016

Rainforest:  they make changes to benefit and help the workers

CrowdFlower:  they make changes to the detriment of the workers while speaking with a forked tongue
I've said it before and I'll say it again: For the love of all that is holy, will SOMEONE please tell Mr. Look At Advertisements to fix his danged test questions?!  And make sure the right answer is actually a freakin' option!!

Am I the ONLY one that actually cares about good data??

Now I have to get a new desk - this one broke when I was banging my head against it

Tuesday 6 September 2016

A tearful farewell today from a CF peep

Wonder if she got flagged...if she did, then she wouldn't be able to work for any other employer.  ever.  Or until the flag got removed.  In six years.

Can you say "karma"