Thursday 30 June 2016

I really find it hard to believe that Crowdflower truly cares about the "integrity of the data" when they continue to make it difficult for the workers to do the tasks well.

In fact, I'll go so far as to say they DON'T CARE about the data.  Not. One. Bit.


All they care about is attracting more TAs, and if they have to crush the souls of the workers to do that, then so be it.

But remember this - if Crowdflower continues to lie and hide things from the workers, what are they hiding from YOU, the TAs?  And what lies are they telling YOU?  Can you really trust the data you are getting?  I'm thinking the answer to that is a big fat NEGATORY.

Think about it.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Seriously, Crowdflower?  SERIOUSLY?

Does someone at Crowdflower actually get paid to come up with schemes to make the workers helpless and protect the almighty TAs?

Hey, *I* can come up with stupidly insane ideas!  Can you put me on the payroll?

The latest asinine (oopsie, is that not nice?  tough) idea to come from The Crowdflower Powers That Be is that the workers can no longer see the corrections if they don't pass into work mode.


But wait.  Isn't quiz mode supposed to be for training?  So if we're not told what we did wrong, then where, exactly, is the training?


It's been proven time and time again that the intelligence level and integrity of some of these TAs is, shall we say, lower than average.


We know how often some of these TAs have the wrong answers in their test questions.

So maybe the TAs were getting tired of the workers contesting their bad answers?  TOO FREAKING BAD.  Then they can get their act together, shape up, or ship out.

We need a system of checks and balances here.  And this ain't it.

The Crowdflower Integrity Train just left the station to points unknown.

Hopefully common sense will prevail, and whoever thought this crap would fly will soon be on his way to the unemployment office.


Utterly Disgusted


Hey!  I TOLD you I could come up with stupid ideas, and I won't let you down!  How about this:  remove the ability to contest bad test questions!  Heck yeah!  I mean, you obviously worship at The Altar of the TAs and they can do no wrong, so why not just save everyone some time? 

That one is a freebie. I want to be paid for the next one.


 As a forum member so aptly puts it:  It seems it's just a change to hide the problems

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Ask and ye shall receive

An announcement was made.  Humanity is not lost.

Thank you.
Peeps that were suspended recently are saying that this was their only source of income.  Why would they risk that by cheating?  If they DID cheat then they deserve to be suspended no matter what their financial situation is.

But on the other side of the coin, since this WAS their only source of income, then CF better be darned sure there really was cheating going on.  And even if there was, these are still human beings.  Make an announcement stating the reason and let these people have some closure.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

So according to The Power That is She, the Ban Hammer really did hit yesterday, and it hit hard apparently!

Really glad I'm an honest and hard working little Worker Bee.  I don't always have to be watching over my shoulder for Mr. Hammer.  Well, I do worry a bit because I don't have 100% confidence that The Hammer doesn't miss its target from time to time, and I don't want to be collateral damage.

Shame on those that got caught.  There's no excuse.  Why ruin a (usually) good thing?

Back to work I go.

Hi ho Hi ho.

Monday 20 June 2016

Cleanup in Aisle 7!

Is that what's going on?  Lots of reports of peeps being suspended today

If it's not a glitch, then I applaud CF's efforts on Cheat Patrol

Now if only they were as diligent in cleaning up Aisle 1

That would be the TA aisle

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Did everybody from Crowdflower go on vacation?  Why aren't the ClixSense users being paid for the tasks they complete?  Noone's been paid in 2 days.  The lack of info is unacceptable!  Is it Crowdflower's fault?  Is it the fault of ClixSense?


I'm gonna start handing out flags if this doesn't get resolved PRONTO!

ETA:  this situation seems to have been resolved. ThankYouVeryMuch