Saturday 14 May 2016

Well this is interesting.  CF peeps have always feigned innocence when accusations were made of quiz mode being a deliberate attempt by the TAs to get free work done since quiz mode doesn't pay.

Then I read this:

CrowdFlower was (and probably still is, just not on the MTurk platform) a bunch of thieves. Not only did they pay garbage, but they bundled their HITs so they always got one free answer before workers got the "Sorry, but your answers weren't what we expected" message. A worker (much smarter than me) figured it out and started raising hell, right about the same time this lawsuit started moving forward.

 How come *I* didn't get an email about the lawsuit?  I did CF HITS on mTurk.  I feel left out.

Maybe I should start raising heck too.  If quiz  mode is going to take my time AND affect my stats, it should also pay me.

No free answers for YOU

Now I don't necessarily believe every word of that passage, but it DOES make me skeptical of CF's motives behind the non paying quiz mode