Saturday 27 February 2016

I want to clarify something that may have been misunderstood in my posts.  So far in all of the years I have been doing CF tasks, I have only had a few problems that were cleared up quickly.  I have never received a flag, but I live in fear of waking up one morning to see that my turn has come.

When I read in the forums that someone has had a flag since 2013 - that's THREE YEARS - I can't help but ask myself if I am next.  Even if this person's flag was warranted, this kind of punishment it not.  Some tasks are just difficult, some TAs are just plain jerks, and some TAs couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with 3 sides missing.

The flag system needs to go.  Admit that it was a failure and move on.  A life sentence for such trivial things should never happen.

There's ongoing problems with broken tasks and incorrect test questions that NEVER GET CORRECTED. That is where your focus should be right now.

Now let's talk about "quiz mode".  It has been described as a "training tool" by a CF rep in the forums.  I disagree.  It's more of a "get these questions correct NOW or you'll be kicked to the curb" tool. No second chance to actually learn what the TA wants.  Learn it NOW or see ya later.  And the kicker - if work mode counts against your global accuracy, then so does quiz mode.  And it doesn't even pay! The things that make you say "huh??"  Why would I want to jeopardize my accuracy for something that doesn't even pay?!

I remember years ago when there was a true training tool.  You couldn't move on to work mode until you successfully completed training.  You could keep at it until you finally passed.  There were times when I didn't think I would EVER get out of training, and I stuck with it mostly out of stubbornness.  But I learned how to do the task!  Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out where the TA's head is at and what they are looking for.  Sometimes the instructions are so ambiguous that you don't know WHAT the TA wants.  But now you get one shot and one shot only.

WHY would you remove something that actually did train the workers and replace it with a one shot deal??