Thursday 25 February 2016

Question:  Is it in the Task Author Handbook that "easy task, great pay!" is code for "scam task bwahahaha"?


It appears that my blog is getting a little popular.  Not to worry, CF Peeps, I don't plan on being vindictive or rude or overly insulting.  Just telling it like it is from a worker's perspective.  Maybe you expected the workers to stay silent and accept the crumbs thrown their way, but enough is enough.  We're tired of the unfair flags. Heck, we're tired of the flags, period.  We're tired of task authors who can't be bothered to verify their test questions before posting the task.  We're tired of task authors who don't correct their bad questions after the task is live.  We're tired of task authors decreasing the amount of pay AS WE ARE WORKING ON THE TASK! If they want to reduce the pay, pull the task, change the pay, then re-post it with a new ID!!  Common courtesy!

We want to be respected.